This lovely review was written for Amazon by Wade Roush. I am so grateful for such a thoughtful, kind piece of writing.
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Fanfare Magazine has reviewed my latest CD, "Compendium" Selected Solo Instrumental Works." Thank you Carson Cooman for this thoughtful, sensitive review.
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Musician biographies for Jodi Hagen, Timothy Macri, Scott Nicholas, and Todd Seeber--the fine instrumentalists whose performances will be featured on the forthcoming "Compendium" CD.
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About a decade ago, I began to seriously reexamine my life in music, taking stock of the compositions I had created and looking forward to the kinds of works I wanted to compose in my future. This kind of introspection was sobering, as it was hard not to think of my own mortality. I tried to imagine what it would be like if I were to compose just two works per year until I was 70 years old. What kinds of musical forms and genres would I explore, and which instruments and performers would I write for? The more I thought about it, the more excited I became. I began to relish the idea of new musical explorations and creating a body of work that contributes to the musical literature in some small way.
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